What's Next? Ensemble directed by Vimbayi Kaziboni, and Michael Kudirka in Guitar Concerto classical music by PatrĂcio da Silva. This What's Next Ensemble' recording has been frequent guest on the syndicated radio show Classical Guitar Alive with Tonny Morris and subsequently broadcast on over 300 classical radio stations around the world.
Guitar Concerto Keep Calm and Carry On is now available as download on Itunes and Amazon.
Guitar Concerto Keep Calm and Carry On is now available as download on Itunes and Amazon.
Keep Calm and Carry On Album
in Now and Then
Music From the Great Depression(s) 2010/1929
by Patricio da Silva with
in Now and Then
Music From the Great Depression(s) 2010/1929
by Patricio da Silva with
Michael Kudirka, solo guitar
Vimbayi Kaziboni, conductor
Vimbayi Kaziboni, conductor
What’s Next? Ensemble